Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agriculture & Natural Resources increase awareness and efficient use of Florida’s natural resources, as well as deliver high quality educational programs for small-scale agricultural producers allowing them to maintain sustainable and profitable businesses, farms and communities.


Program Leader:

Alejandro Bolques, Ph.D.
(850) 875-8559


Livestock Production Systems


Amaranth crops  

Alternative production and marketing strategies to help farmers increase their income and peri-urban producers to grow more food.  

Grass ready to be picked up  

Modeling of efficient and profitable operations suitable for small-scale, limited resource producers via training, technical assistance and demonstrations in herd management, forage management and grazing, and production and marketing systems.

Sustainable Food Systems



Applying selective protected agriculture strategies such as low-cost high tunnels, greenhouse and hydroponic production.

Small farm with pigs  

Programming involves evaluating production and marketing as an alternative enterprise for small-scale farmers. Focus is placed on best management practices including nutrition, reproduction, forage systems and profitability.