Communications Request Form

Please read the following message BEFORE submitting your request. Then, complete the form below to request services provided by College of Agriculture and Food Sciences (CAFS) communications staff.

We aim to provide you with the best service to fit your project needs. In an effort to deliver timely service and production turn around, requests MUST be made at least 2-6 weeks in advance, depending on the scope of your project request.  Once a request is received, you will be contacted regarding your project. For complex project requests, a meeting with staff will be required to discuss your project, develop timelines and to determine the anticipated completion date.

The average turnaround time for projects is typically around 1-8 weeks from request to completion (more or less, depending on the project scope). Printing requests using external vendors may add to this timeline. Please note, when outside vendors are sourced, CAFS faculty and staff must work directly with the CAFS Assistant Director of University Relations & Public Affairs, who will work directly with the vendor for production needs.

Adequate time is necessary for the design, proofing and approval processes. Generally, CAFS communication staff is working on multiple projects at a time, therefore last minute requests may be denied, or need approval from Dean Robert W. Taylor, Ph.D.

Typically, delivery will be by 5:00 pm on the due date. Every effort will be made to complete requests on time, provided proper guidelines and budgets are met. However, submission of a request does not guarantee project completion, as external, equipment, other priorities may apply.

I have read and understand the information above and have received approval from my department head for this project request. I understand that 2-6 weeks of lead time is required and that requests are subject to the availability of staffing resources.


Please provide the following: Fields with an asterisk ( * ) are required.

Contact Information

Project Details

(For print projects, this date refers to the delivery from the printer.)
(i.e. students, community stakeholders, etc.)
This project is a/an: [check all that apply] **

Specify publication/event name:

Online Promotion (check all needs that apply)
I have high-resolution images for production.**

Upload Content Files

Drop files here or SELECT FILES

(Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 8 MB.)

I have fact-checked and approved copy for production.**

For Print Projects:

Copy (text) for this project is:
Paper/Ink Type:

Please send copy (text) files to with the Project Name in the subject line. Accepted text file formats include: .doc, .docx, .txt,. rft   

Origin of graphics/images:
Recurrence of project: **

Date of most recent version of project:  

Will your project be a part of a series (e.g., multiple direct mail pieces going to the same audience)? **


Please review this form before submitting. Work will not begin on a project until our office receives ALL materials necessary to complete the job. After we receive all of the approved content, the time frame for design to delivery begins.

For questions please contact Kilisha Fain at or (850) 412-5251.